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Issue 127 of The Living Tradition magazine (Feb/March) including articles on Iona Fyfe, Chris Parkinson, Duncan McCrone, Miller MacDonald Cormier, Gwilym Bowen-Rhys, Bob & Gill Berry, East Anglian Step Dancing, The Shackleton Trio, Tunes In Sets, The Gavin Greig Interviews 2, A Red Red Rose, Transatlantic Connections, Feb-May Festival Listings, news, reviews and much more.
Amsher - Patience Vaisey At Adwell 1892 Eimear Arkins - What's Next Duck Baker - Les Blues Du Richmond Reds Band - Reds Band Peter Bellamy - The Maritime Suite Andrew Cadie - Half Witted,Merry & Mad The Trials Of Cato - Hide And Hair Helen Diamond - Helen Diamond Floating Sofa Quartet - Neighbourhood Hannah Flowers - Amhran Na Cruite Hot Griselda - Sunbox Across The Great Divide - Uncommon Ground Stewart Hardy & Frank McLaughlin - The Gift Carr & Roswall - Time Flies Claire Hastings - Those Who Roam Merry Hell - Anthems To The Wind Phillip Henry - True North Hickory Signals - Turn to Fray Kelly & Woolley - Miner's Eyes Robert Leng, Jossy 'Pop' Mainprize, Jim Eldon - Songs And Tales From Flamborough Head Lind, Black & Burgess - Weave Trust With Truth Dan MacDonald - Rural : Urban Sineag MacIntyre - Lon Ban Dave Mallinson - Beginners' Melodeon Tunes & Techniques Dave Mallinson - Instant Melodeon Brian McAlpine - Mutual Imagination Society Vol 1 Reg Meuross - 12 Silk Handkerchiefs The Moonbeams - This Land John Mulhearn - Pipes Antoni O'Breskey & Ronnie Drew - From Dublin To Bilbao Lisa O'Neill - Heard A Long Gone Song John Offord - Bonny Cumberland Dan Possumato - The Last Pint Kinnaris Quintet - Free One Ribbon Road - Paper Dolls Root & Branch - A Breath Against The Calm Solasta - A Cure For The Curious Sophie & Fiachra & Andre Marchand - Portraits Paul Stephenson - Mother Nature’s Rules Stepling - Leap Sarah-Jane Summers - Owerset Sver - Reverie Angela Usher - The Gort Mile Various Artists - A Distant Land To Roam Various Artists - Far Far From Ypres: The Concert Various Artists - Live Recordings From The William Kennedy Piping Festival Vri - Ty Ein Tadau Jack Warshaw & Friends - Misfits Migrants & Murders