Temple Bar TradFest
Temple Bar Trad is Dublin's premier celebration of traditional music and culture. It's hard to believe that before the first ever Temple Bar Trad in January 2006, Dublin had lacked a traditional music festival for almost twenty years! Temple Bar Trad is all about the music. Each year, we try and bring some of Ireland's top traditional musicians (and sometimes a few friends from overseas as well!) to play during the festival weekend. Concerts range from small intimate affairs in the Project Arts Centre to larger performances at The Button Factory - all guaranteeing a memorable night of music! Temple Bar Trad is organised and project managed by TASCQ, the local traders group in Temple Bar as a non-profit venture. We pump every cent into presenting musicians and performances of the highest calibre at the lowest feasible ticket price, thus opening up the festival to as broad an audience as possible.
Website: www.templebartrad.com